... where they have strange keyboards, so pleqsz excuse the tuppyng :)
However, they also have a free internet cafe - at least, they wont take my money - so Ive been checking out the archives, and I find youre all still talking about the same stuff !?!? (tho I dont recall the turkey thread).
a few thoughts ...
Canon - no. There _really_ isnt such a thing, its a figment on each person's imagination. We all do genuinely _see_ different things on the screen, I'm convinced of it (How many times have you thought "which show was _that_ person watching? I know I have, and I'd be surprised if anyone at all hasnt thought it about me.) With apologies to H D "when I use canon, it is exactly what I see, no more and no less." And I like it that way ... its much more fun to have ,y own input into the show.
OTOH, were I to accept the possibility that canon does exist <g - I never claimed logic as one of my virtues> then it would, for me, be the 52 episodes and nothing else. Not radio plays 2 decades later, not a film that hasnt been made yet. But thats my preregotive, and I dont expect anyone else to live by it :)
Character assassination - again, a personal thing, and as I insist on the right to see it where I choose I would not deny it of someone else. Evil Blake is _far_ more so to me than gay Avon; the worst cases _for me_ in fanfic are both in gen stories, Ana Dorfstads PGP in Enarre (both of My Darlings) and Cally in any of Susan Matthews' tales. Other people swear by these instead of at them, and find the characters true to the series, as is their right. OTOH, the most truthful - again, for me - is The Road to Hell (gen) but closely followed by Bryn Lantry (Mender of Bad Souls, To Hell Among the Rogues, Fealty - all slash). Quality of writing and of characterisation is spread widely over gen, het and slash, and in my reading experience, no one type has predominance.
When all is said and done, we're into the series for what we each get out of it; were I to see it like Neil, Fiona, Kathryn, Carol ... anyone else, I possibly wouldnt enjoy it, because I aint them and arent looking for the same things. And vice versa. So lets all let everyone enjoy it exactly how they want, and hope to be allowed the same in return.
Signoing off fron Pqris ...
Sally _________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.
She's still around. Hurrah!
Well, half of me says "Hurrah!"
The other half of me starts chewing the wallpaper...