Carol Mac wrote:
Well then, why don't you go conduct that investigation? And when
ready to level specific charges, come back and tell us about it.
Why don't you? You're closer than I am. But if you want some advice,
could start by asking for their accounts to be made public...
I wrote a note beside my computer that you would respond exactly as you did: "Why don't you investigate it?"
See? It was the logical conclusion.
The point I was making is that it is very easy to make insinuations of improper behaviour.
Sorry to be pedantic here, but according to my dictionary, "insinuate" means to "introduce gradually or subtly; convey indirectly, hint obliquely." I think I was quite direct in what I said. In my experience it's rather difficult not to make some money. Now perhaps this was because of the nature of Doctor Who fandom five years back, I don't know, but if they aren't making any money (from B7 fandom at least), that leaves a hell of a lot of unanswered questions in my mind.
This lyst would be even more unpleasant than it has
been of late if we all took to doing that.
As I didn't do it, don't worry about it.
Given that you don't have any proof
for your theory,
Not direct proof, but I think some circumstantial evidence.
and given that you aren't willing to do the investigation that *you* apparently think would give your theory credibility,
I'm not in the position to, but you are, and as you are discussing this issue with me then why not take the next step and do some checking to see if it is true?
your comments come across as nothing more than a vendetta
Sorry to be pedantic here, but according to my dictionary "vendetta" means, "Blood-feud, practised through generations, as in Corsica and parts of Italy." On "Blood-feud" my dictionary says, "feud between families of which one has split the other's blood." So are you trying suggest that I am somehow related to either Leah or Annie? Because I'm not. I have never met Leah, or Annie and didn't even know of their existence until a couple of months back.
by someone with a personal ax to grind.
I refer you to my above answer. I have had no previous connection with these people at all.
I've purchased Ashton Press zines.
You're a good customer, eh?
I've held them in my hands.
Always a good idea when picking something up :-).
I've seen how many pages they have.
Not just empty covers then. I'm impressed :-)
I know what type of binding they use.
See? Insider knowledge! You're just the person I'm looking for to head this investigation.
I recognise that some of the art work would involve extra reproduction costs.
What would that involve then? Burning letters of complaint from jobbing actors who object to their likeness being disrespected in such a gross way?
also done two B7 zines and 43 issues of the Tarrant APA, so I know what it
to do fannish publications.
More insider knowledge--go on have a look round; you know it makes a lot of sense. Anyway, I couldn't afford the airfare to America, but you're there already.
There is no way Ashton Press can be making
You know that for a fact do you?
It would be easier to get rich going sofa to sofa and plucking out lost change.
They might do that as well, I don't know.
Both Annie and Leah do zines for the love of fandom.
Sorry, but I don't see any evidence of "love" at all. In fact, when it comes to B7 actors- quite the opposite. They also appear to be extremely intolerant of other fans' opinions, and appear incapable of conducting a conversation without having to resort to twisting people's words out of context to support their frequently fatuous cases. Something they are also doing to B7 the series, interestingly. So if they hate the actors, are not willing to engage in any serious fan debates (and no Leah, I am not convinced by your post of this morning), show contempt for any fan who has a different opinion to themselves, and appear to lack a basic understanding of the show's premises, then I think I'm justified in thinking "What are Leah and Annie doing in B7 fandom if it's not for money?"
I appreciate their efforts.
But then you would. You support them.
"I don't like an unsolved mystery" --Avon
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