Emma asked me to post this for her:
I, Mutoid, a small, specialist fanzine focussing on the lives of mutoids, is now available. It's now marketing time. This is my first zine and I have no idea what to do here, so as a kick off I've done this....
The zine is 90 odd pages long of which 85 are pure stories. Table of contents - I've been very brief because I know some people like surprises, please email me if you would like more details on anything in particular.
Awakening by Nickey Barnard - S4 Soolin focused story Recycling by Oliver Klosov - drabble Relative Programming by Ika - further adventures of Siv Holland The Best Laid Plans by Jackie - S2-4 story featuring Travis An Eye for an Eye by Executrix - S1 featuring Travis and Servalan The Weak One by Oliver Klosov - drabble His Brother's Keeper by Betty Ragan - S1/2 Vila POV Pretty Mutoid by Oliver Klosov - drabble Unmodified Needs by Delmonica - S3 (or maybe 4, mental block) mutoid POV Interview with a Mutoid by Steve Rogerson - PGP mutoid POV Memory is an Encumbrance by Julia Stamford - S1/2 with lots of nice Avon moments Kie-Eyre by Executrix - the inimitable style featuring lots more Travis. Warm Hands, Cold Heart by Oliver Klosov - drabble The Mutoid's Tale by Firerose - daily life for a mutoid Relations by Penny Dreadful - umm... I always struggle to encapsulate Penny. 'Where do mutoids come from' might do it but it's about more than that. Chronicles by Emma - v short social history of the mutoid, kind of AU-ish, or not, depending on how paranoid you are.
With the exception of the drabbles, all fiction is unpublished on the net or elsewhere.
The zine is side bound, not spiral or thermal or anything posh, because if I did that I couldn't have the funky neoprene black front cover which is on the first 40 copies only. Black card back cover. Cost: #6 plus #1.30 P&P UK = #7.30; $12 USA. It's a sparse, functional layout i.e. no fancy bits; it's more mutoidy that way, and cheaper, too. (I susbsidised the covers myself so it won't be any cheaper after the first lot have gone.)
Email emmapeel@calvino.freeserve.co.uk for more details of how to order.
Content is adult in that there is swearing, violence, mentions of body parts and such, but not 'adult' like 'playboy tv' is adult. It turned out everything I received by submission deadline was gen for older readers, sort of. That's the best way I can think of to describe it. If there is anything that offends you that you do not want to read, let me know and I will tell you if there is any in it. Anyway, that means I'll be needing an over 21 age statement.
The stories are all ace. And the front covers are bendy and warm. And I like it.
Thanks for letting me hijack the list for this post, Calle!
-- cheers Steve Rogerson http://homepages.poptel.org.uk/steve.rogerson
Redemption 03, 21-23 February 2003, Ashford, Kent Celebrating 25 years of Blake's 7 and 10 years of Babylon 5 http://www.smof.com/redemption