I feel sure that someone's pointed this out before, but then again, they might not, so I will.
I was flicking through The Meaning of Liff (by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd) and found a reference to Blakes 7. For anyone that doesn't know, the book lists place names along with definitions, the definitions being situations that everyone experiences, but there isn't word for. They're also quite funny.
This one is Clackavoid (which isn't on the map in the book) and the definition is: 'Technical BBC term for a page of dialogue from Blake's Seven'
And while I'm here, this month's SFX (August) has a page of characters who've been done by more than one actor and they include Travis (they thought Stephen Greif was the best).
General (USMC) - Danny's Girls www.paranoidangel.freeserve.co.uk
Doppler Effect: The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.