That "Probably" sounded pretty definite to me :). Anyway, you don't *enjoy* embarrassment, do you, even probably?
Um, yes, sometimes. After I make a dirty joke, I blush bright red, hide my face in my hands, but I'm also a little proud I had the guts to say it. When someone gives me praise I don't deserve I feel awkward and want to slink off, but I'm also aware I'm supposed to like being praised so I teeter between wanting to vanish and being kind of happy they think I'm great. Even when I'm *not* enjoying myself a bit, I react to embarrassment usually by grinning, which confuses the people around me about my emotions.
Helen Krummenacker wrote:
Even when I'm *not* enjoying myself a bit, I react to embarrassment usually by grinning, which confuses the people around me about my emotions.
Ooh! I'm not the only one, then :)
I've occasionally wondered if that bit in 'Blake', where Vila accuses Avon of having found Blake, and Avon _looks away_ and grins, is because he's a bit embarrassed, either at having Vila know he's been looking for Blake, or at having the others see that he's pleased about having found him.
----- Original Message ----- From: Helen Krummenacker
That "Probably" sounded pretty definite to me :). Anyway, you don't
embarrassment, do you, even probably?
Um, yes, sometimes. After I make a dirty joke, I blush bright red, hide my face in my hands, but I'm also a little proud I had the guts to say it. When someone gives me praise I don't deserve I feel awkward and want to slink off, but I'm also aware I'm supposed to like being praised so I teeter between wanting to vanish and being kind of happy they think I'm great. Even when I'm *not* enjoying myself a bit, I react to embarrassment usually by grinning, which confuses the people around me about my emotions.
Good point, but, to bring it back to the one I was making, *Avon* didn't smile or blush.
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