In a message dated 3/5/01 3:41:06 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
<< It was that balance between serious threads and the light-hearted, funny or irreverent messages that made me feel so at home here. But now the lyst seems to have gone exclusively serious. Am I the only one missing the humorous threads? >>
By golly, you're right! Enough of this pompous, boring nonsense about proper spelling and who's naughty bits are interfering with who else's naughty bits? Who cares if B7 takes place in a universe that's British, American or Disney? Let's explore the really *fascinating* issues, like whether Avon can sleep on his face, or if any of the Liberator rooms had a ping pong table, or if Travis ever used his hand crystal to 'key' scratches onto the vehicles of Fed officers who stole his parking space?