hi, my names Hannah and I'm doing a study at university on different cultures, I've chosen to look at the types of people who got to sci-fi conventions and why they go.
You may have already seen something about this on the list because Judith Proctor put up a note I sent her. I am having really really big amounts of trouble getting my questionnaire on the list due to the modorater, if this manages to get on could anyone who wishes to help please send me a reply so I can send you the questionnaire as it seems to be working that way.
I have been to 2 conventions myself, who's 7 in 96 and deliverance 98 and I'm quite interested to find out your opinions for my own curiosity as well as my work.
Once I've finished my work I'll put it up on the list or if I can't I'll send it to everyone who lets me have their address.
Thanks a lot
Hope to hear from lots of you soon!!
Hannah Keeley.
P.S. my favourite characters Villa because he's really sweet and quite wimpy really but I've always thought he was quite nice looking even now, much nicer than Avon, although i expect loads of you will disagree!! _________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.