(that's a British fag end, not what you Americans might think!).
"cigarette butt," in Americanese, I believe.
Still, one of the values of making outrageously presumptuous statements is the way it prompts swift clarification, engendering a positive transfer of information transmission of a corrective nature in the direction of an individual who misguidedly pertains to the notion that deployment of gratuitous polysyllables in a complex predicate statement might make him look less of a complete idiot.
::snicker:: At least it's a very satisfying way of writing when you run 'word count' functions that give you the average word length.
And not a trace of an American accent, which I wouldn't be surprised if Xena's got.
Lucy Lawless is formerly an opera singer. As a New Zealander, I doubt she has an American accent. To dull American ears, however, New Zealanders and Canadians tend to sound a lot 'like us' as opposed to the delicious exoticness of Australian and most British dialects.
And definitely no chickadees singing in the background.
Well, you would know better than I would what songbirds you find in Greece.
From: Helen Krummenacker avona@jps.net
And definitely no chickadees singing in the background.
Well, you would know better than I would what songbirds you find in Greece.
Yeah, not that I've ever been there but I could make some educated guesses. But Americans should be able to recognise their own songbirds and think, "Hey, this ain't Europe."
And who went and put all those kookaburras in the African jungle?
Oddly, the Federation seemed to populate the galaxy with only European avifauna (full list in the Sevencyclopaedia, under 'Birds').
While I'm on the subject, study of a few stills from Bounty suggests that the stuffed thrush in Sarkoff's collection is probably a Fieldfare.
"Neil" == Neil Faulkner N.Faulkner@tesco.net writes:
While I'm on the subject, study of a few stills from Bounty suggests that the stuffed thrush in Sarkoff's collection is probably a Fieldfare.
When I told a friend of mine that B7 fans have done things like making up lists of all the clothes Avon wore in the series crossindexed by episode, or trying to identify all the birds seen or heard in the entire series, he just didn't believe me.