Jacqui asked:
What is the green liquid the characters in B7 drink ?
Water coloured with green food colouring for that essential science fiction feel? (Is absinthe green? I fear my closest encounter with the drink is the eponymous Degas painting...)
Tavia wrote:
(Is absinthe green? I fear my closest encounter with the drink is the eponymous Degas painting...)
I gather it is a somewhat bluish-green. I've never seen any myself, but I've been told it looks not too different from Absorbine liniment [1], which also contains oil of wormwood. (Drinking Absorbine is not recommended, though I've actually heard of people who do. Of course, much the same could be said of absinthe.)
- Lisa
[1] A horse liniment containing menthol, acetone, and assorted plant extracts, including that of wormwood. A watered-down version is marketed for humans under the name "Absorbine Jr.", at about five times the price of the horsey stuff. I just buy the latter, in gallon jugs, and use that.
-- Lisa Williams: lcw@dallas.net or lwilliams@raytheon.com Lisa's Video Frame Capture Library: http://framecaplib.com/ From Eroica With Love: http://eroicafans.org/