In a message dated 1/1/02 5:10:16 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
<< >Any ideas for such a 'completely new angle'?<
They could have had Avon and anyone else who survived change sides and join the Federation. Considering Avon's ambiguity it should have been possible to keep the audience guessing until the very end whether he'd really changed his allegiance or was now trying to bring down the Federation from the inside. >>
If they were typical of what happens to a popular SF or Fantasy show today, this is what would happen:
With the intent of dumping the previous fans and obtaining the highly desirable male teen demographic (the one with loads of disposible income and no sales resistance), all previous fans would be forgotten. Soolin and/or Dayna would be squeezed into a black leather catsuit and made the butt-kicking chick who is now the focus of the show.
No more complex, character-driven scripts will be accepted; all will be rapid-fire action, action, action with staccato editing and close-ups. Aliens that are either outrageously ugly or incredibly sexy will be the only guest stars. Intellectuals will be relegated to an occasional scene at the beginning or the end of the episode--if there's time. ORAC will become a cool videogame box.
All commercials will then market mountain dew, fritos, Old Navy clothing, Sega, Taco Belle, and any other product the desired demographic can easily be made to part with, the commercials populated by slovenly clothed, vacant-eyed examples of their contemporaries.
The show will be renamed BLAKE-X.