Okay, I am realizing that as much as I don't like the *sound* of the genre, in a (sort of) PGP I was writing once, "Blake" never happened, the whole ep was Avon hallucinating, and the whole of my story was the other four trying to get a doctor who could get rid of the drug/electronic influences on him. I wasn't thinking of it as a hurt/comfort story, but I realise it fits-- Avon as the patient, the other 4 trying to keep him alive and get him help. My real intention as far as the story line went was to show: 1. The four other rebels using ORAC and their own wits without Avon to guide them. 2. Set to rest a mystery on Vila's background-- the doctor they decide to get for Avon is a man who befriend Vila during his childhood... and tried a little experimental immunization to brainwashing on him (without Vila's knowlege) while treating his chicken pox. 3. derlious Avon reacting to his inner world PGP. 4. Vila forgiving Avon for Orbit in response to 3 5. The lot of them all acting as if the whole thing had never bloody well happened after he's back to normal. 6. A benevolent scienist they use to help solve a problem who *doesn't get killed* at the end of the story, but instead elects to stay around and work on the Pylene-50 problem.