Earlier today, I wrote:
Perhaps if I reconstituted my list of likes and hates according to director I'd find some trends (Excel must have some uses...).
Well, a wasted evening, a deal of RSI pain, and several spreadsheets later, I'm proud to announce... um ... It didn't.
My liking of B7 episodes appears to depend on Season (2 > 1 = 3 = 4) and Writer (Boucher = Holmes > Nation >> Parkes = Other > Prior = Steed), but hardly at all on Director.
A short-cut to this earth-shattering conclusion might have been to observe that Mary Ridge directed one of my two favourite episodes as well as my least favourite. (I leave proving the identity of these episodes as an exercise to the reader.)
The only other conclusion I drew was that there was a definite bias towards my liking episodes produced by those writers and directors who lasted more than two episodes; with 'Warlord' being the exception to prove the rule.