NOTE: all quotes are from "The Complete Writer's Guide to Heroes and Heroines." I'm leaving a lot out - most of which applies, some of which doesn't. If you want the latter, well, buy the book. It's interesting. ;-) -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Servalan is The Boss.
(What, you don't think Servalan is a heroine? She certainly is in * her* version of her life.)
"The BOSS takes charge of her circumstances and makes things happen before most people get off the couch. She is a strong, tough woman, who gets her way no matter what the obstacles. She remains unconcerned when she ruffles feathers and steps on toes. Her goals and priorities are far more important than hurt feelings. She is outspoken, resourceful and persuasive."
"Winning is everything to the BOSS. To achieve her ends, she can be calculating. She will shade the truth in order to gain her objective and she is not above manipulating circumstances to make things go her way. She sees nothing wrong with this. Whatever helps her get across the finish line is all in a good day's work."
"She will mow people down on her way to her goal and beware to those who stand against her. When confronted, she can be ruthless."
Under virtues:
"Confident-This is a woman who always knows where she is going. She comes up with a plan, organizes what needs to be done and makes it happen. The BOSS rarely feels any twinges of doubt, so she does not waste a lot of time analyzing her position. She knows she is right, and that is the end of that."
"Dynamic-The BOSS is the kind of woman who walks into a room and commands attention. Because of her self-assurance, she sparks emotions ranging from admiration to jealousy."
"Competitive-This woman is so self-assured, she is positive she will always win. Anyone who challenges that position is in for a battle. The BOSS utilizes all her resources and talents to triumph, and she never stops until her opponents are defeated."
Under flaws:
"Blunt-The BOSS does not mince words."
"Arrogant-She is always right-just ask her. The BOSS finds it hard to acknowledge that others also have ideas worth exploring. Her haughty stare and overbearing manner turn a lot of people off. But that does not matter. Life is too short to worry about what other people think."
Servalan falls into the Trailblazer sub-type:
"At some point in her past, she developed a burning desire to achieve and to become the best. She worked her way up the ladder of success, and, in her struggle to succeed, developed a strong confidence in herself and her abilities."
"She has no time for failures. She made it, everyone else should stop whining and do the same."
Among the suggested occupations: mayor, queen, president.
Susan Beth (