This is getting unpleasant again, unfortunately I'm going to have to bail out and will *not* be addressing any reply, but in the interests of clarity:
Me: <The second instance is an invalid example, IMO,> Jenny: <Is that right?>
I'm sorry? As I said IMO, yes, it's right that it's IMO.
<Yes, but I don't think it's ment to show stupidity, just Gan's true nature.>
That is *your interpretation*. Other people do not see the evidence the same way. I think it shows that it moments of stress he acts like any other average human being. Is it accepted that other people do not have to agree with our interpretation, or is it not?
<Hostage is a dog's dinner of an episode, I'll grant you that. Quite why it's such a mess, I don't know. Time maybe, or perhaps it was a last minute replacement script. Nation was going to write the last two episodes of series two but then didn't. That must have put a huge last minute strain on everyone.>
What has that got to do with it? If Gan's actions 'show his true nature', Avon's show moments of stupidity. You can't have it both ways.
<If Avon sent a message to Space Command Headquarters (anonymously remember), it would be logical for Servalan/her staff to send the nearest pursuit ship to Exbar, which would have gotten there in a very short period of time; Travis would have been dealt with by the time Blake got into in his shiny suit. Unfortunately Servalan herself got interested and decided to come along, which meant a long delay,>
To quote you on other threads, the business about who was sent and how long they might have been delayed is not in the script. Avon was taking a huge and totally unjustified risk with Blake's life - the fact that he then gets upset about it shows he didn't think.
<He didn't know Sara was armed.>
You don't know that. The only thing he *does* know is that she's murdered two people, not something that a cautious man should treat lightly. The rest is *your interpretation*. (This is beginning to sound awfully familiar).
<Where does it say that the gun was in another room? He could have simply fallen asleep in the bath. After all, after the events on Terminal they all must have been both physically and emotionally exhausted.>
Exhaustion or not, falling asleep in the bath would have been even stupider.
<Why was Norl's story "incredibly silly"?>
Oh come on. Norl insisted on Vila going down alone - unarmed - with no way to call for help - and it's made clear that he made damn sure Tarrant didn't get to see or hear anything while he was there. The whole set-up *screams* set-up.
<Because Gan was not acting like a raging monster and was now calm. She didn't know that he was a psycopathic killer with a hatred of women.>
Neither do we, so that doesn't count. What we do know is that she knows he tried to kill two members of the crew when the limiter was malfunctioning and it hasn't been fixed. She can't know if it's going to malfunction again.
<Because Servalan--who operated the teleport in Terminal--would therefore be able to tell if she was operating the wrong controls and would have ordered Shad to shoot her if she did anything dodgy.>
What? Sorry, but what has Terminal got to do with it? This is the first time Servalan's been on the ship. And - to quote one of your own arguments - since she isn't shown to have learned about the controls beforehand, it didn't happen.
<Anyway the two times people are teleported into space are in S1 and S2, before Dayna joined the crew-- we don't know that she knows how or even that it's possible.>
No one taught the earlier people either. It's sheer common sense.
<Why in MoD he left the unsealed box with an incredibly valuable neutrotope lying around where at the first bump it would fall?> <It was in a sealed padded box in the middle of a table with Gan sat in front of it. It's Gan that lets it drop. Gan again, see?>
If it's sealed, why does it fall open, please?
<Because she wanted insurance. And Zeeona being on Xenon Base is the best insurance you can possibly have. Notice also that Soolin dislikes Zukan (which turns out to be a much smarter action than Avon's)-- "spite" is a decent motivation.>
I'm afraid that doesn't even make sense to me. The alliance is barely hanging together because of mutual distrust and suspicion, and Soolin thinks a good insurance is to incur the hatred of the figurehead/supplier of the antidote? This is a *long-term* plan, remember; or do they intend to keep Zeeona there for years and hope Zukan comes round before he finds a way to get even?
<As Vila had no idea that Blake is under control at that point, and Blake is the leader, it makes perfect sense.>
Yes he *does* know, they've all been talking about it non-stop since the episode started!!!
<They argue with Blake. Blake tells them that Ven Glynd has a plan and a way of ousting Servalan without bloodshed, but that he won't tell them until they get back on the Liberator. He is rational and lucid (remember that they don't have any actual proof at this point that his mind is being controlled);>
No, of course, the tone and all those all those 'renounce renounce' bits at the start were an illusion. Sorry, that *was* sarcasm, but they know damn well that he's having mind problems, and they know the tone that caused the problems was heard just before he rerouted them to the asteroid to pick up the mummy, so it wouldn't take three seconds to work out they're linked.
Yes, they do as he says. Avon almost *always* does what Blake wants him to, even when it's stupid. That doesn't make it not stupid.
<(Jenna doesn't have *many* 'where-in-the-world-have-I-put-my-brain' moments, but she does seem to persistently be several steps behind Avon and Blake (the dreaded 'what's going on, Blake?' bits) so that they have to explain things to her - Redemption is especially bad on this point).> <So? Reading that episode back, she doesn't seem to ask any more questions than Vila or Gan.>
One expects better from Jenna and yes, IMO she does ask 'what's going on' more than they do here. YMMV.
I'm not even going to touch your view of SLD, because we're clearly watching completely different versions of the episode.
<Or that Jenna *saw* their discarded handcuffs in Bounty and said nothing???> <BECAUSE SHE WAS ONLY **PRETENDING** TO BE ON TARVIN'S SIDE. Next time watch the episode.>
<Deep sigh> *I* have watched it. I know she was only pretending. *They* don't know that - and from the dialogue after she leaves, they ****still don't work it out****, even though she noticed the handcuffs rather pointedly.
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