Tavia said -
In my experience of fanfic -- limited I know -- I'd say that there was a
strong positive correlation between complexity of the text and seriousness of the questions addressed.<<
I know what you mean, but perhaps sometimes a very simple text - or indeed song - can raise very complex questions. If, for example, it 'steps outside the frame' (to coin the phrase everyone seems to be using at present).
For example the 'frame' in rock music in 1976 may have included such axioms as - artistic virtuosity is a good in itself, production values enhance the emotional impact of music, there is a big gap between the role of fan and the role of musician, etc. and then a very simple song like (say) 'white riot' can challenge those axioms.
Similarly a quite simple piece of B7 fanfic can challenge (could challenge) axioms to do with the separation of producer and consumer, or the location of the 'frame' that separates reading a text from responding to it, and so on.
That's how I interpret Neils's and others' comments on the punk and fanfiction comparison, anyway
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