Still catching up on the backlog...
----- Original Message ----- From: Dana Shilling
Shane wrote:
OK, now this is a genuine and serious question.
If slash fiction is
to satisfy the unrequited procreative urges of
female fans with regard to
actors, why does it revolve around male/male
The term "procreative" was used a) ironically and b)
euphemistically in
light of the sensibilities of some Lyst members
I've been trying to stay off this thread, but I feel obliged to point out that *I* took Leah's use of the word "procreative" to mean "geared towards the production of offspring." It didn't seem ironic or euphemistic to me.
fans. I'm surprised myself by the prevalence of
slash within B7 erotica--
not that I expect less m/m slash, just more hetsmut
and f/f stories.
Me too :)!
One other thing: in your post after this one, you say:
[Shane] Again, why? Why do women, in your opinion,
find it difficult to identify
with Jenna or Cally?
[Dana] Because the scripts give them so little
background and so little to do
I'd just like to say that I've never found that a barrier to identifying with the women on the series. One of the things that drew me personally to Blakes' 7 was the number of strong female characters, especially when compared to other sci-fi shows: maybe Cally doesn't get a lot to do, but she gets a damn sight more, IMO, than Deanna Troi.
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