At 19:38 19-11-2001, Marian de Haan wrote:
Sally wrote:
And looking at the list, I do believe that Series One is desperately
Absolutely, and IMO it is also undervalued. All those years ago I was attracted to the series because the first two episodes were so different from what I was used to. Watching The Way Back I was waiting for the happy ending right up to the very last minute, and it was something of a shock when things didn't come right for Blake at the last moment. And then in Spacefall things went once more against expectation with Blake's attempt to take over the London failing so dismally. It was so new and refreshing at the time.
Yeah, me too.
I vote for spacefall, because it has the first images of Avon. And please, pretty please, Lisa, get pictures of him still sitting in that chair and looking wonderfully bored and disgusted with the whole affair. <sigh> He still looked so young and fresh back then.
Jacqueline --- Hygiene is important to me, so I always have my brain washed at least once a week.