Dana shilling said: "Find me a primitive man... Not the kind of man who belongs to a club, But a man with a club that belongs to him" (Cole Porter)
This is classic...he he.
and she said: Of course she was--neither Blake nor Avon would ever stop at a petrol station and ask for directions.
How true..., Vila put paid to any fears one might have had with his brilliant summation of searching for things in the dark...if you see what i mean.
Funny thing, I was thinkng to myself that in driving and using a map I would refuse to become angry about it if a female passenger was in the car politely giving advice. well it happened. Mum and myself. I became annoyed at the inability of passenger unable to read map. only to discover that I was reading it upside down...as in I followed the roads the wrong way. much frustration was building...remembered my promise never to become irritated. best to shut up, bite my tongue and let "mother" who knows best read the bloody map before serious loss of face and ammunition is stored for a later assualt. Climax of the event was in performing a "U" turn with aproaching mini and "older" bearded gent at the helm. Me thinks sufficient time...seems mini driver sped up and tooted and flashed his lights becuase I had to slow due the possibility of colliding with parked vehicles on the other side of the road. the lock isn't sharp enough on nissan primera...much glaring was transmitted through rear view mirror and restraint was demonstrated due to mother being there and smirking immensely at sons incompetence.
The Jarvik anti-new age man apreciation society has now been formed. It will actully be under the umbrella society G.R.O.W.L = grown men really only wear leather, which is a brother society to the S.S.E.F.F, the Secret Society for the Excessively Facially Follicled, formed in 1995 by myself at Victoria University here in wellington.
A 'strange coincidence', to use a phrase/ By which such things are settled nowadays. Byron.
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