Neil wrote:
I'm with Shane on this one. Costumes for the women were pretty much on a par with those for the men. Most of them were bloody awful:)
Oh, that green sleevy thing. Wasn't it horrible? Almost on a par with that split-skirt and tights look on Cally. Yuk.
Why m:m slash? Probably simply because most fanfic, and virtually all
fic, is written by women, who aren't on the whole terribly interested in other women
Not quite sure what you mean by "terribly interested in other women." Do you mean that these women are not interested in sex with other women (and for some reason this turns them off reading about heterosexual sex), or that they don't want to think of their beloved in bed with another woman than them?
Again, why? Why do women, in your opinion, find it difficult to
with Jenna or Cally?
Because the scripts give them so little background and so little to do
I don't think that's true. As for the background, can't you always
some? The less you're constrained by background, the more you can make
Except that fan writers, on the whole, seem to prefer not to do that if
can avoid it.
Why? These are people who write slash fiction, after all, which maps a whole different sexual complex onto the characters. If you'd swallow that :), surely you'd have no problem making up a character's background.
I would disagree with Dana that the female characters had relatively underdeveloped backgrounds. Blake and Avon might have got more than most, but we probably know at least as much about Cally and Jenna as we do about Vila and Tarrant, and no more about Gan than we do about Soolin.
Agreed and same for the Federation characters.
OTOH, I'd agree with Dana that the women were generally underwritten and given less than their fair slice of the action.
Yes, but same for Gan really.
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From: Shane Little
Why m:m slash? Probably simply because most fanfic, and virtually all
fic, is written by women, who aren't on the whole terribly interested in other women
Not quite sure what you mean by "terribly interested in other women." Do
mean that these women are not interested in sex with other women (and for some reason this turns them off reading about heterosexual sex), or that they don't want to think of their beloved in bed with another woman than them?
Quite possibly one or the other for many, and in at least some cases both. People with bisexual partners can find it less threatening if their other half has a same-sex fling - I've heard that reported for both men and women. And if I was into writing racy adult stuff then I'd be happier pairing Cally off with Jenna or an ocf.