Richard wrote:
Its now quiet as many are in the "slash debate" however I join a table in
restaurant for a relaxed meal - the first since Thursday, with Michael
Ivan and Sasha, the Haslams and a couple of others - nice conversation
music publication and royalties, the effect of foot and mouth on vets
(Sasha is
a vet)
Funny the things you never find out about people at conventions....
Seriously, though, Richard, we do appreciate that you put in a hell of a lot of time and effort supporting Judith's endeavours, and you never get publicly recognised for it (aaawwwww). So thanks from me, anyway.
Louise wrote:
Seriously, though, Richard, we do appreciate that you put in a hell of a lot of time and effort supporting Judith's endeavours, and you never get publicly recognised for it (aaawwwww). So thanks from me, anyway.
Absolutely. And Redemption wouldn't be the same without you there, Richard.