Annie says:
Tavia writes:
<< For anyone still unconvinced about the volume of work involved in zine editing, I noticed just now that my 'zine' e-mail folder now contains precisely 666 messages...>>>
LOL. Give Buffy a call, Tavia. Maybe she and the Scooby Gang can help you out. Or the Ghostbusters! (Ah, another fandom I have loved... I suppose there's something strange about liking Venkman as played by Bill Murray, but there you are. I have eclectic tastes.)
Ah, more material for Ashton Press... somewhere out there there's zines full of Scooby Gang orgies and pictures of Bill Murray being shagged by the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man. Just what their respective fandoms need, I don't think. That use of the past tense is also interesting.
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