Jenny Kaye wrote: <If Vila *was* an Alpha Grade then he should have been bright enough to "fail" any test. It's not that difficult to fail an IQ test if you know what sort of answers the examiners are looking for.>
If they've been running the tests for long enough (and it does appear the system is entrenched, from the sheer casualness with which it's mentioned on-screen) surely the organisers would have come up with something a bit more subtle than that? (OTOH, it *is* a totalitarian dictatorship, not normally known for their subtlety).
To be honest, I *don't* believe Vila was Alpha, but possibly a higher grade than Delta to start with - if it *is* exam-or-intelligence-based, which 'Weapon' also seems to indicate, he's brighter than that. But that doesn't mean it's got to be Delta, since I'm totally sure about Tarrant either (my current fanon says that there are grades within grades he's lower-grade Alpha. But YMMV, there's not much evidence on how this grade business works.)
<Who, or what, is a "Toothy"?>
One Del Tarrant. Christened in honour of one of his most - errr - shining attributes, that blindingly perfect smile.
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