From: Stephen Date
I tried Absinthe once in Prague.
You brave soul.
. A minature of the stuff drunk
in conjunction with a couple (ahem) of glasses of wine produces the mother of all hangovers.
Mind you, same can be said of mixing Black Russians and cider (just don't ask, OK).
I'd be surprised if Cally was drinking it in Gambit because she was on duty, as it were, and I suspect she'd have more sense.
Or maybe Auronar are better able to metabolise absinthe than humans.
So the Green Stuff is either Creme de Menthe or Chateau System 37.
Another possibility could be that there's two or three different but similar-looking green things out there. Servalan drinks something which is, it is implied, fairly strong in "Weapon," which is green; Cally's drink in "Gambit," unless you buy my theory about the Auron metabolism, could be something less strong or even nonalcoholic. A Cuba Libre looks exactly like a Coke until you drink it...
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