Dana wrote:
...there was a mini-series called "Rock Follies"
Isn't that the show in which half the cast ended up having some Hitch Hikers Guide connection later on?
(and, from memory, where the Buzzcocks got their name).
Should I try and justify this post by attempting some B7 connection? Er, how about "Consider Phlebas" by Banks has a ship called 'Clear Air Turbulence', or CAT, which sounds like KAT, a character in Afterlife? No?
Andrew said:
Isn't that [Rock Follies] the show in which half the cast ended up having some Hitch Hikers Guide connection later on?
I wouldn't know, but just the other day, Una asked what I thought Avon's home town was and I said "Dorking" because that's where Anna [!] from Rock Follies comes from.