On Tue, 6 Mar 2001 10:50:19 +0000 (GMT) Iain Coleman ijc@bas.ac.uk writes:
I find this result frankly incredible. Can you direct me to this
You seem unclear about what the domain .ac.uk indicates.
You know, a single honest-to-God citation would have been a lot shorter, and a lot more useful.
OK, OK, aside from this subject being becoming increasingly painful everytime I feel I should post something on it, I was trying to get around one of my own, little internet rules. The article in question was in the local paper. That's why I'm not giving it and that's why I made a (fairly miserable) effort to bluff/work around it. I know, I know, I'm probably being moderately neurotic on this issue, but it makes me queesy to come flat out on a publically archived list and say "I live here."
So, believe I quoted correctly or not. Believe I had it in context or not. It's not coming.
Oh, and I did do some background research, like I said, on the person quoted (and on a few other subjects, just to refresh my memory) but not quite as obsessive compulsive as stated.
BTW, if it makes you feel better, the reference you felt should be thrown across the room with great force was from an interview of Park Dietz, a prominent forensic psychiatrist (and, yes, I know prominent is not synonymous with being right), in an article titled "Dancing with Devils" from the May/June 1999 issue of Psychology Today (which, whatever its virtues, is not JAMA, not something from NIMH, and not the Surgeon General's office, I know).
Touch of irony. I felt a twinge of guilt for citing him since, despite his strong feelings on mixing sex and violence in the media, he's really more in your camp on most of this issue.
I know there are places where the rules are different than the U.S. I've lived in one. It was a place I love, with people I love, people I would give every last drop of blood I have to help. And I learned there to see a lot of problems in the U.S. in ways I never had before - to question underlying cultural assumptions. But there were also things I saw and learned about that just hurt. I know what happens to a sick woman abandoned by her family and picked up by a beggar gang. I know about debt slavery and how it plays a part in supplying brothels with workers - just young girls.
And just writing this makes me sick, as if I'm lying about these people, as if I wrote about Columbine and made out that it was the only face America has. I wish I could fill this up with the reality, but I'm trying to stick with the topic, and the relevant topic is a small sliver of what that country is. Let me just say, if ever catch anyone using this as an argument to rip on these people, I'll come over and bop you one. I'll buy rottweilers just to let them loose in your yard. I'll sneak time release eau de skunk into your shoes right before the biggest presentation of your life. Am I clear on this?
Yes, porn was common. There were adds for videos and movies (and other things) all over the place. Short of going around with your eyes closed and bumping into things, they were impossible to avoid. So, I realized one day, when one set of posters came down and another came up, it was never the same girl twice. You wonder what happens to them. AIDS is supposed to be pretty common in that industry. Some American nurses I knew told me about the difficulties they went through discarding needles. People finding them in the trash would resell them.
So, I was understandably scared for a friend whose family was in debt and who were having business problems, just to mention it.
Frankly, the people I've run into in the States who are into it (and, sure, we're talking mostly the addicts who'll peruse it in public places, so, you might argue, high profile but not the norm) haven't done anything to change my mind.
Anyhow, that's what porn means to me. It means selling people, it means destroying their lives to make a profit, it means grinding up teenage girls who are nothing more than children, it means telling people this kind of buying and selling is OK. It's like selling blood.
Ob. B7: Blake's bleeding heart: fanatic or not? I'm not casting a vote, tonight. Thanks.
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