In a moment of blatent idocy, I thought my attempt to stop receiving digests from the list (temporarily) wasn't working just because I got a few after changing my status. Another look shows these were some that were delayed (that problem I mentioned about getting digests out of order). So I wrote a few replies to posts, which means I won't see replies to my replies unless someone hits "reply all".
I am not leaving the list for good. This is primarily just to give me time to work on fanfic and such for a while. I'll probably pop in on the archives from time to time to see what's going on. I have also been motivated for this time out because of some of the technical problems and because I really think most of the recent acrimonious discussions are unproductive. I also think anyone using a sig file that suggests their debating partner be quiet should consider that we are not oblivious to this form of implied rudeness so all such persons calls for civility come across as hypocricy.
I do still want to do the original-character-oriented fanzine. Anyone with questions, submissions, or who wants to suggest a name for it, please email me directly. In fact, that's one of the fanfics I want to work on, the comments about detective stories made me decide to do my own post-The Way Back story in hard-boiled style.