I go away for a few days and come back to another god almighty cat fight
i despair of some fans on the internet lists in recent weeks, i have been happily clicking my way though a few hundred posts on both lists and i cannot believe that a group of people who love a 20 year old british sci fi show can get so stupid and nasty to one another
i love sci fi and i love Blakes 7 and have been on lysator for years and on space city and now freedom city since the beginning and yes there have been flame wars or whatever you prefer to call them and they usually come and go but in all my years on the internet i cannot remember anything quite as nasty as this
my first reaction is to tell everyone to just get a life, the whole thing is just crazy, they would never be this horrible to people in real life
we wonder why devoted fans get driven away from fandom, it is because of these people who seem incapable of making their point and then letting it go and accepting as you have to do in life that things don't always go your way, people don't always agree with one another on senistive issues
I would not class myself as pro or anti slash, i like both , but it is not real, it is a TV show i know that might offend some people but it is supposed to be a hobby, something we all do for fun, remember that , fun ?, it is certainly not fun and hasn't been for while
I sometimes wonder why i stay on the list, i don't post much now, mainly through lack of time but i remember when i first joined how friendly everyone was and there were a few members who went out of thier way to welcome me, i spent a long time in hospital and had to have a lot of time off work and spent a long time corresponding with people on and off list and it really helped me recuperate
those people were geniune fans, those kinds of people who took time out to help a newbie find her feet and welcomed me into fandom most of them will not recoqnise the e-mai lthat i am posting from as it is not my orignial one and i have to admit that i am not using my real name for reasons of the dreadful horizon debate last year when Diane Gies and and several of the horizon committee and deliverance committee aired their views very publicly and i was very incensed at some of things they said about people and issues within fandom.
I know this is very rambling but there are people who i am not sure if they are on or off lists now but people like Susan Beth, Sarah Thompson, Annie and Leah, Judith Proctor, Ellie, Harriet, Kathryn Anderson, Stever Rogerson, Neil and lots more who have done so much for on and off line fandom that some people would do well to remember
All i feel is great sadness for the black hole that we have fallen into, i satt here for over an hour before deciding whether to post but i though what the hell, i may as well put by two penneth worth in
I feel lucky to love more than one show so at least when i get fed up of my first love (B7)and Avon i can hop over and have an brief fling with B5 and Garabaldi and Buffy and Angel to satisfy my lust
To al lthe genuine fans out there , thanks for being there, hang in there, the prats will soon get bored, to all the pain in the backside people, just get out, get off list and go find somewhere else to play