Mistral wrote:
If the author wrote a character that was _actually_ what s/he would be like in the B7 universe, it might make for a very interesting character indeed.
I tried this one with a peripheral character recently -- fed up with the (self-) accusations of writing a Mary-Sue, I decided to add a *real* one. It made an interesting contrast, but I wouldn't say she was an interesting character: as her role in the story is to act as the chorus, the anonymous citizen of the Federation, she didn't get much of a chance to shine.
It felt fairly strange to write, especially as I have a bit of a non-Tavian persona for my pseud, so now I think what's Tavia doing in my pseud's story?
If I find the time, I might well develop her for Helen's new zine, but that would involve working out her character rather more clearly and differentiating her from me.