From: Sally Manton
If you could change just three things about the series - with no restrictions on cast, budget, scripting etc - what would they be? (Obviously, *my* first would be "don't let Blake go.")
Allow Chris Boucher to script more of the 4th season episodes (this was the series where they reigned him in & said he could only write two). Since he seemed to be working his way around the regulars in s3 (Vila - City, Avon - Rumours, Tarrant - Deathwatch), he probably would have got to Dayna in s4 and we wouldn't have to put up with 'Animals'.
Use better models for the gunships that attack Scorpio over GP. It looks like they used wind-up toys!
Give them a decent gate in "S-L-D" for Vila's security spiel.
Explain why Servalan doesn't notice that the dying Liberator is oozing goo.
Get rid of the 'borders' around Scorpio when in flight ("No, that's deliberate - that's the, um, forcewall").
Get the Warlord with the outstanding delivery ("Words...are only words") and introduce him earlier, making him a regular. In fact, give him his own spin off series - "Jarriere & the Warlord".