I think the feeling of 'deprivation' is less to do with current stories, of which there's a fair amount available online (through the websites and mailing lists), and others that go into zines (and the recent crop of zines has IMO been particularly high-quality) so both net and print people *do* get a share of the available pie (I know the feeling of "but I want it all!!!" but Mother always told you to share, didn't she? :-)).
It's the older stories - the ones that were on those PGP lists that started this discussion :-) that make the print side look so much bigger. Blakes 7 is an older fandom and the simple fact is that a lot of good stories are in older zines, quite a few are by people who aren't in the fandom any more anyway, so getting the right to put them up (from writer and editor) then getting it *done* (someone has to then do the work. I'm typing a long Helen Parkinson story out for Judith at the minute, 'cause I don't have a scanner) is going to take time, and may turn out to be impossible.
OTOH, there is another kind of buzz in *finally* getting hold of one that you've heard about for ages and have been looking for (I got the 2nd & 3rd parts of the 'Mind of Man is a Double-Edged Sword' trilogy months *before* I managed to get my hands on the first part. To put it mildly, they make a lot less sense without it :-)).
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