Nyssa asked:
Was it a four year fight, the same with real time, or did we just see the highlights?
I usually think of it lasting about five years all told, roughly eighteen months between Way back and Star One, and likewise between Star One and Blake. Between episodes they get on with ordinary life - as much as it can be 'ordinary', or have adventures that just didn't happen to be recorded by the Beeb. Some episodes are clearly separated by a fair length of time, when they're off doing other things, like DoG, where Tarrant promises Groff to take a message to his family on Zaranah.
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Nyssa Mackinnonn wrote:
Was it a four year fight, the same with real time, or did we just see the highlights?
With any TV show, unless there's evidence to the contrary (which, admittedly, there often is), I generally tend to assume that things take a fair bit longer to happen than they appear to do to us home viewers. After all, we only ever get to see the exciting bits of our characters' lives, and even with people who lead existences as interesting as the B7 gang, periods where not much is happening are almost certainly going to outweigh periods when all hell is breaking loose. Lots of uneventful travelling from one star system to another, lots of uneventful days hanging around Xenon base doing maintenence on Scorpio, whatever. Plus, don't forget those seven months that supposedly take place during the course of "Space Fall"! I figure that the series must have spanned at least five years, more likely six, and possibly even seven.
Btw, just out of idle, pointless curiosity, is Nyssa your real name? I ask because my ex-boyfriend has a cousin who's actually named Nyssa, and I thought that was just really cool. :)