Annie writes:
Mistral writes:
<< Well, not meaning to offend, but I am genuinely puzzled - do you not find there to be a difference between saying an _action_ is wrong, and saying a _person_ or group of people is sick? Because every time this sort of issue comes up, it just floors me.>>>>
No, I do not see any difference because homosexuals *are* a group of people. A group that I happen to belong to.
This is what they call playing the gay card. But you're avoiding the issue here. You _did_ call a group of people sick, you know, so whatever anybody else said, you're no better, or more able to take the moral high ground, than they are.
In fact, when you insult homosexuals you are insulting someone's very being. The way they live.
Why then, Annie, are you producing all this unrepresentative m/m porn? It is only lesbians who have feelings? Also, why don't you have any regard for the feelings of the actors whose images you exploit? Is it because they're straight?
The person they chose to live with and love. The way they think. It's a
heck of a lot more than just a religion you've just insulted (because, of course, homosexuals come in all kinds of religions, too).
Religion and sexuality can both be as big or as small a part of your life as you make them. Being gay can be your whole life, as for Peter Tatchell-- or it can be a relatively small part of it, as for Stephen Fry. The same, I'm sure, for religious believers; their beliefs can be their job, hobby and circle of friends, or it can be something they do on Sunday mornings. If it's important enough to you, religion also affects who you live with and who you love, and the way you think. So really, whether your sexuality is more important than your religion depends on who you are.
And do you not see that calling someone's "morals" into question because
who they choose to love and spend their life with is the *same thing* as calling them sick or depraved or perverse (all words that have been used hereabouts, I believe)?
Yes, these words have been used - by you, if I recall correctly, and to describe people who have done you no worse harm than discuss a topic you don't like. Who was it who keeps telling certain of us "if you don't like it, don't read it?" She should take some of her own medicine.
I've tried to make my point with a bit of a sledgehammer
And this is somehow a new tactic?
and for that I apologise.
Good God! A first!
To be fair, I did not pinpoint Christians. I pointed at *any*
religion that equates massacres as being on the same par sin-wise with sexual behaviour as "sick."
Leah did, though. Are you disowning her comments then? Is this a rift between you two?
I'm sorry if folks here disagree with that but I do believe it to be true just as deeply as some of you guys believe in whatever religion you happen to practice.
Do you know, I'm beginning to think that you're either very deluded, or mad.
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