This didn't seem to go through, apologies if you get it twice.....
Dana wrote re my Case of the Disappearing Fanzine:
Yeah, but that's printzines (not to mention variables in type size and page count)--even if you just count stories that don't appear anywhere else, the Hermit Library and Liberated are very large "zines."
My guess is that the reduction represents both an increase in Web publishing and a decrease in fannish interest in B7. I don't know if anyone has any figures on the publication or sales of printzines in other fandoms, or for that matter other quantifiable measures of fan interest, such as sales of videos, attendance at cons, viewing figures for the satellite/cable repeats?
Although the Hermit library, Liberated and other sites are all great, a high proportion of the stories archived have been previously published in printzines, especially the longer stories.