More forwarded information from Alan Stevens. Could someone kindly forward to Freedom City? I unsubbed for the duration of my trip away and won't be resubbing for a few days yet.
Una, horribly jetlagged
An exclusive Paul Darrow and Brian Croucher Interview is now up at Learn the truth about Paul's fight with John Nathan-Turner, Brian's close encounter with a pair of pliers, the Blake's 7 movie, the connection between Travis and Tommy Cooper, why Paul Darrow is to be sued by William Shatner and lots more!
Also, at, Alan Stevens gives us his impressions of Galaxy Four's Sheffield Kaldor City Event. Read all about Andy Hopkinson's trials and tribulations with a fire alarm, the perils of being ginger-haired, and Alan's exclusive audience with the Pope.
Plus, reviews of Kaldor City: Occam's Razor by Lance Parkin, Eddie Robson and Daniel O'Mahony at