I very much like the writing of Thomas Hobbes, and I find him relevant to political discussions in general. I also think he is the philosopher who fits in best with the world of B7.
I was reading the Leviathan online this morning, further to all the talk about decentring morality, and I came across a quote which I like a lot. Its relevant to something that comes up from time to time - Avon's reluctance to tell a downright lie. How can a person without a moral framework, with a strong sense of self-preservation, and in a state of war, nevertheless bind himself with such an obligation as truthfulness?
"The force of words being too weak to hold men to the performance of their covenants, there are in man's nature but two imaginable helps to strengthen it. And those are either a fear of the consequence of breaking their word, or a glory or pride in appearing not to need to break it. This latter is a generosity too rarely found to be presumed on, especially in the pursuers of wealth, command, or sensual pleasure, which are the greatest part of mankind. ... That which gives to human actions the relish of justice is a certain nobleness or gallantness of courage, rarely found, by which a man scorns to be beholding for the contentment of his life to fraud, or breach of promise."
Now obviously Avon did not 'scorn to be beholding to fraud', prior to the start of B7, as that's what he was in prison for. However I think we see this gallantry start to assert itself, in counterpoint to the general decay of morality that takes place over the four series. Then towards the end of S4, of course, it breaks down again, and he loses that nobility IMHO.
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