Mistral wrote:
As for attacking Wendy - no, I don't think so, either. It looked more to me like people reacting to what they perceived as an attack from her. The topic and her position on it were not the problem; it was the sarcasm, insults, and slurs. To some of us, they were obvious; another group have said they didn't see it at all. ISTM the only thing that's been clearly demonstrated is that we all have different ideas of what constitutes good debate etiquette - there is no Gospel According to Lysator.
I think there are double standards, whether we'd like to admit to them or not. I've seen posts as blunt as Wendy's go through without raising outcries because they were made by "insiders" or because they toed the party line.
I don't want to pull up those posts and point fingers, but I'll go to the archives and grab up a couple that I remember from the past month or so if anyone feels that is necessary.
Carol Mc