And again... <sigh> Sorry. I'm computer-impaired still...
Followers of the Goddess
The concept of the Golden Goddess Soolin, her Acolyte Dayna, and the Chief Hairdresser Vila was the invention of Lindley, now no longer with us. But worth a mention anyway.
Hey, Kathryn, I'm back in Federation-land again! <huggles> Missed ya. And I'm very touched that the Temple has not been altogether lost in the mists of time... <wiping away a tear> My own adoration for Soolin has never been abated. I still consider her beautiful, charming, admirable and sadly under rated, with truly phenomenal hair... And hair is important.
Can I just ask, though, that if this Lyst Culture Guide does become semi- official, you'll change "Lindley" to the name I'm generally known as around
net now, "Kanna-Ophelia"? (If you're talking to-quoting me, Kanna, Ophelia
K-O are equally acceptable.) I'm no longer as sanguine about using my real
as I was back then...
<<>People don't tend to introduce themselves or welcome
newbies -- we just get on with the discussion. Please don't consider this unfriendly; it's simply... focused.
....This habit (which I agree is currently in evidence) being one in point. Rather than incorporating it into the Lyst 'rule set' perhaps we should at least *consider* changing it? Perhaps we really *are* being unfriendly? The once-a-year 'everyone posts an introduction' idea on FC seemed quite fun to this (chatty) list-reader.>>
I agree with Tavia. Kathryn, honey, if I read this as a newbie, I would feel distinctly unwelcome, even though I appreciate that's not what you intended.
For my part, I know it's *infinitely* nicer joining a group and being
than making the first step of delurking and being ignored. I know that on my own group, if I'm distracted for some reason, I'm glad I can rely on two or three others always making newbies feel wanted. Maybe Avon types would hate it, but it's only a matter of enduring a hello or two, and surely there's a
Vilas and Gans around whose needs are equally worthy of being respected <g>.
But then, I'm not really an Avon fan... <cowers>
At risk of sounding - fuzzy or intrusive - I hope I won't step on any toes
I occaisionally say hello to a newbie? Being a second-time-round newbie myself...
And the Lyst members who wrote welcoming me back certainly gave me a
sense of the fuzzies. <sends warm fuzzies back>
XXX Kanna-Ophelia (INFP <g>) Femmeslash: The Pokeslash Playground: Diversion Tactics:
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--------------------------------------------- This message was sent using One.Net's Mail Man.
"Una" == Una McCormack writes:
Ophelia wrote:
XXX Kanna-Ophelia (INFP <g>)
I didn't know your MB type. I think your arrival has just doubled the NF contingent on the Lyst ;)
Una (INFJ)
I don't think so.
/Calle (INFP)
Calle wrote:
"Una" == Una McCormack writes:
Ophelia wrote:
XXX Kanna-Ophelia (INFP <g>)
I didn't know your MB type. I think your arrival has just doubled the NF contingent on the Lyst ;)
Una (INFJ)
I don't think so.
/Calle (INFP)
Just trying to winkle you all out.
Una McCormack wrote:
Just trying to winkle you all out.
I suppose it's far too late to claim to be an NF? I was plotting a little story about Avon and Soolin bonding over a common interest in rose gardening, is that warm and fuzzy enough for you?
Mistral wrote:
Una McCormack wrote:
Just trying to winkle you all out.
I suppose it's far too late to claim to be an NF? I was plotting a little story about Avon and Soolin bonding over a common interest in rose gardening, is that warm and fuzzy enough for you?
That would be quite fuzzy, but even I can see it eventually involving thorns and sprays of chemicals.
Una McCormack wrote:
Mistral wrote:
Una McCormack wrote:
Just trying to winkle you all out.
I suppose it's far too late to claim to be an NF? I was plotting a little story about Avon and Soolin bonding over a common interest in rose gardening, is that warm and fuzzy enough for you?
That would be quite fuzzy, but even I can see it eventually involving thorns and sprays of chemicals.
And possible flame wars about new-fangled vs old-fashioned roses.
INFJ up here too. And that's probably enough of an intro.
Kat W (pondering why Sainsburys and Tesco have run out of Tunnock's caramel wafers just after the choc discussion finished. And just because I feel like wondering about the fundamental interconnectedness of all threads, doesn't "tunnocks!" make a great expletive?)
From: Mistral
I suppose it's far too late to claim to be an NF? I was plotting a little story about Avon and Soolin bonding over a common interest in rose gardening, is that warm and fuzzy enough for you?
What does she do, shoot the greenfly or something?
April 9th: New lawn seeded, but sparrows are already eyeing it up. Soolin has taken to imitating a scarecrow, complete with carrot nose, to keep them at bay. I have never understood why it should be necessary to become irrational in order to prove that you scare, or, indeed, why it should be necessary to prove it at all.
May 12th: Went to inspect the seed trays. Marigolds are doing nicely, but not a single zinnia seems to have sprouted. Have *they* betrayed *me*?
June 9th: Strung netting over the legumes to keep the sparrows off them. Soolin tells me she never bothers to do this. Life expectancy must be very short among her pea pods.
June 30th: Soolin wants potatoes, so we made a midnight foray to the nearest farmland. Just as I was about to stick the spade in, she wanted to know what variety they were. Told her it wasn't my field.
July 21st: Lawnmower has finally packed up. I suspect a calibration fault on the anterior stone detectors. Soolin wants me to buy a new one rather than repair it myself, even gave me a brochure for the garden centre. I'm not stupid, I'm not expending, and I'm not going.
August 3rd: Next door's cat has been in the flower beds again. Told Soolin she should have shot it last winter. She gave me a lecture on cruelty to animals. I pointed to what remains of the delphiniums. Like I've always said, no good deed goes unpunished.
August 15th: Last week's weather has played havoc with the greenhouse. Soolin says there's a terrible pane right behind her irises. I asked her if she'd considered amputation. Managed to duck in time.
September 6th: Grass is now so long that both garden gnomes have disappeared. We conducted a search of lawn perimeter. Quickly located ceramic fragments under the buddleia. One down, one to go.
September 25th: Servalan the rose bush is due for a trim. Won't let Soolin anywhere near the thing - I need to prune her myself.
October 10th: Bit worried about Soolin. She's decided to start a new compost heap - in the cellar! Has she finally lost her nerve? Has she mildewed her way to the wall of an underground room?
October 28th: Soolin's now thinking of new garden features for next year. She wants a fountain, I don't. I'm not very keen on water spouts.
November 15th: Went a bit over the top excavating the new pond. Went so far down I hit the water table. I suppose it's a ... well, now.
Calle Dybedahl (responding to Una responding to Ophelila) wrote:
I didn't know your MB type. I think your arrival has just doubled the NF contingent on the Lyst ;)
Una (INFJ)
I don't think so.
/Calle (INFP)
And I count as a half-person for this purpose, I think, 'cause I'm an INxx -- right smack dab on the T/F and P/J borderlines, apparently. (This possibly explains a lot about me...)
From: Una McCormack
I didn't know your MB type. I think your arrival has just doubled the NF contingent on the Lyst ;)
So who's the other skinhead?
Neil (who sometimes ends up working with a Sean Stringer, so the 'Packed by' label on the box reads 'NF/SS'. Thank ghod we don't export to Israel...)