After all the discussion about on-line stories and zines and their relative costs to different people, I'm now confused. I'm very new to all this, and started writing B7 fiction a few months ago after the series was reshown here, before I even realised there was any out there. I'm close to finishing "Vila Restal's E-mails". I'm planning to put them on-line, and was going to put my other stories there too as I finish them.
However, now I'm wondering if this is the best option. So I have some questions:
1) Which gives the widest readership - web pages or zines?
2) What are the pros and cons of each for writers?
3) Which do readers prefer? It's cheaper for me to read stories on-line but I do find hard copies much more pleasant to read from. However I suppose this will differ by country because of relative costs.