As per Helen's post - yes I agree, he would have said this at any point. I've been thinking about this since I posted it and dont think I explained myself very well - the trouble with posting after a long shift. I do think he is being defiant and standing up for his rights - my interpretation of his suicidel/ depression is at this point it is very subliminal. Totally me reading into this, but I see it as him realising afterwards perhaps that he really did mean it, that he wants to take a break, or possibly more serious. Then slowly his mood and attitude chamging. Then what with the false Blake encounter and Cally's death, i think it was 5 straws after the one that broke the camels back.
I didnt know about the 'cannon', but I have to say I disagree, I dont think Avon knew Cally would not let him die. He might suspect, but after Anna and his lack of trust anyway - to trust a Cally taken over by an alien, her track record isnt very good. I think at that point he believed he could be killed.
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