In message, Shane Little writes
Julia wrote:
However, back to the discussion in hand. There's nothing wrong with a balanced diet, but you're coming over as saying that people shouldn't eat candy at all.
No I'm not. Ask Dana Shilling. I have a great deal of respect for Tavia, Dana, and several others who put out some well-crafted stuff. This doesn't stop me from objecting to other aspects of slash (artwork, gay lifestyle issues, etc.)
Yes, your later posts are a bit clearer in that regard. But you *are* coming over, to some members of the list, in the way I described.
Please understand that I'm not trying to shut you up, quite the contrary. You have things to say that I personally think are well worth listening to, even if I disagree with you about some of it. However, for me it's tending to get drowned out in the general tide of "all slash is worthless exploitative trash" that seems to me to be the theme of many of your posts at the moment. As a writer whose slash output has a large proportion of the political polemic variety, I'm finding it annoying on a personal level as well as on the "why the hell don't you go and find out a bit more about the subject you're talking about" level.
Or to put it in my more usual posting style: look mate, you say a lot of interesting, thought-provoking things, I'd rather you cut the confrontational bollocks because the S/N ratio is getting a bit low for my tastes and I'd rather not killfile you. Are you aware that you're getting up the nose of people you probably *weren't* trying to annoy?