Several people have asked about Freedom City. It's a forum where people can discuss relationships in the B7 universe, including sex, both het and slash, as well as other topics that have been or might be sources of unwelcome friction here on Lysator. It's a supplement to this list. Discussion and fanfic are welcome on FC, flaming and trolling are not. Not everyone on FC is a slash fan; some people just like the relaxed atmosphere there.
Those who are interested joining need to contact me, either at this address or at, with a statement that they are over 18 and legally adult in the area where they live. This is so I can cover myself legally should the need arise. :-)
BTW, you'll probably get a faster response if you contact me at the AOL address; I just use this one to post from because AOL 6.0 and Lysator's software do not get along.
Tiger M, Freedom City list-owner
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