In message, Steve Rogerson writes
However, contained in my set was the card for Kerr Avon. Here are his ratings (all out of 10):
Kick ass ability: 7 Intellect: 9
No argument there.
Snogability: 6
Well, there's the first error. Obviously compiled by some straight male person who has never encountered the drooling hordes. (I lent A:ATA to one such. One of his many criticisms was the way women kept flinging themselves at Avon. He refused to believe me when I informed him that *that* part was accurate. "Why would women fancy *him*?")
Fashion sense: 5
We can argue about that one for several months, I think.
Use of weapons: 9
"Soolin got them both."
Drinking capacity: 8
Que? Where'd they get this from? He's hardly ever shown drinking.
Real world alter ego: Peter Mandelson
<grin> Now the real test of this is whether Mandy would see that as an insult or a compliment.