Jacqueline Thijsen wrote:
Yes! Absolutely perfect. I also really like Dana's idea of Christina Ricci as Servalan, but isn't she just a bit too young to carry it off? The glamour part, that is, she can do the rest of it in her sleep. Hmm, maybe she could be Servalan's upstart daughter.
In which case, you could have Anjelica Huston (sp?) as her mother. :-)
Shame we couldn't then have Raul Garcia as Travis.
Oops. Erm, well, we could make Carnell a regular. James Marsters would do wonderful things with that character.
Priorities please! Anthony Stewart Head (regularly) as Jarriere.
Oops, this appears to be turning into the Buffy/B7 x-over again. Still, old threads never die, they just converge with string theory and all that.
Kat W