Realised, just after I'd clicked send (natch), that I'd forgotten to mention Iain's Performance Lessons panel. I think other people have commented about what took place in it already but I wanted to add that I thought Iain did a great job in this panel, picking 3 scenes (2 B7 and 1 B5 - Bester and Garibaldi on Mars where Bester reveals to Garibaldi what has been done to him) and preparing script pieces for people to get up and have a go. And of course they did, so kudos to all involved for making another great session.
I guess there were no photographs taken of the Una-Avon/Calle-Anna death scene. Alas. A truly great theatrical moment goes unrecorded. (Unlike the original performance which, viewing it again after Una and Calle's rendition, one has to realise is total and utter pants).
Kat W