Sally M wrote:
Fun topic though this is, it does raise a rather more serious point in the way Our Heroes' family bonds in the series seem to be almost completely absent, strangely sterile, or violently fractured. Yes, they are probably an atypical group - mostly criminals, misfits and outsiders - but it's
striking how rare the 'normal' bonds that make up families (both of blood and of choice) are ...
Although we only get to see them when they're on a mission or handling a crisis. Perhaps during the long interim times (e.g. when they followed Servalan for weeks ('Moloch') they put their feet up and talked desultorily of their pasts, homes, family, their favourite viscast series and football teams, Earth's batting order etc. It would be boring to watch though, and I can't see Avon 'wasting time in such unproductive activity' as he'd probably say. But Blake, Vila, Gan, Tarrant and maybe Jenna would (I can see both Vila and Jenna regaling the others with tales of their colourful pasts too).
I don't talk about my family or other more personal things much if at all with my work colleagues.
However you're probably right--the Federation does seem to be a society that encourages isolation, suspicion and treachery and does not value the 'softer' emotions like friendship, sympathy and kindness and those (like Vila) who show them.