Alison wrote:
David Here is a suggestion you might find useful for generating sf names:
That's the method the anarchist collective on Tau Ceti use to generate their names in Ursula Le Guin's novel 'The Dispossessed'. A very readable SF novel about politics, for those who like that kind of thing. It presents two competing political systems - capitalist and socialist/anarchist, from the point of view of a physicist who defects to the capitalist system.There's a short story too called 'The day before the revolution' about the revolutionary leader, Odo. I would recommend these stories for those who like the political aspects of B7, because she presents both systems in complex shades of grey.
Big thumbs up for both 'The Dispossessed' and 'The Day Before the Revolution' from here. 'The Dispossessed' is superb, both in the realization of the two societies, and also in the way the narrative is constructed. V. much my cup of tea.
A very happy New Year to you all; all the very best for 2002.