In Way Back when Varon goes to the records clerk, I always saw it this way. The way they have to bribe him to get the info. I kind of saw this as something regularly done. Maybe just for something as simple as getting the equivalent of a passport back abit a quicker. So its probably common and kind of ignored by officials, whereas the guy realises this isnt a normal inquiry. Realises too that if he's found out and implicated, he'll be brought up on serious charges. The Federation may turn there backs, but they probably keep a bit of evidence, that way they can always convict some-one. So he thinks, if he contacts the bosses, he doesnt have to say they bribed him, he could always say they had the passes - maybe they stole them, he thought they were real, only realised after they werent - he's sorry, but they were pros. Blah, blah, blah. Good loyal Federation citizen, get promoted (although he was probably sent away or 'disappeared' as he knew too much).
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