Tavia tavia@btinternet.com wrote: : One of the most cogent arguments I've ever seen against slash (which I came : across on Kathryn's site) is that merely by seeing a slash interpretation : of one's favourite characters, one's opinion is changed permanently. If : slash disgusts one, then one's enjoyment might be spoiled. On the other : hand, if one likes slash, then one's enjoyment might be enhanced. Either : way, there's no going back.
Talk about your excluded middle... I'm introducing a bunch of people to Blake's 7 this school year (they're on break now, but next week they'll see Terminal). They're aware of my Blake/Avon reading of the series, and one of them considers it self-evident in Paul Darrow's body language, while the others simply don't consider it. The majority reaction was neither disgust nor enjoyment, but simple indifference... and I see no reason that should change after seeing fan-fiction, but I'll try the experiment if people like.