In message, Jenny Kaye writes
Maybe I'm sticking my neck out here but I agree with Cheryl. I thought Freedom City was supposed to be the list for discussing sex, and this was for general discussion bearing in mind that anyone of any age or religious persuasion might be reading.
RTFFAQ. This list is for discussing anything relevant to B7 that the inmates want to discuss. It is merely a matter of consideration for other people that keeps discussion of particular topics mainly on The Other List. Consideration on both sides, I might add - there are a good few anti-slash, often religious, people here who have the good manners not to try and use the list as a forum for bashing slashfen or religious evangelism promoting homophobia.
A large part of that consideration revolves around harsh experience - such threads are likely to take over the list, generating a great deal of heat and very little light. We have just had a demonstration of this.
Cheryl was one of the people who insisted on talking about sex, and on attempting to convert people to her views on same. I find Cheryl's complaints about the list talking about nothing but sex to be somewhat ironic, as she stopped banging on about the subject at about the point that I was starting to sympathise with Neil's views on thread hijacking, and the person she was expressing sympathy for has repeatedly restarted the discussion of sex when others have tried to drop it.
I have, for various reasons, largely stayed away from this thread other than to try and divert it into less contentious matters and to complain when someone claims to speak for me. But this has now reached *my* limit of tolerance. I see the hatred of homosexuals displayed by some members of this list to be not just immoral but *evil*. This is nothing to do with my sexual orientation - I'm straight. It comes directly out of my moral code formed by my upbringing as a Christian. I also am not impressed by the views of some of the Christians on this list that their religious sensibilities are to be protected, while they freely attack those of other members. In my opinion, the bigotry and hatred being preached in the name of religion is what children need to be protected from, if we are to run this list on the assumption that parents are devoid of all responsibility for their children's access to a communication medium designed for adult purposes.
And I object strongly to my own posts being used as a platform from which to run a personal vendetta which was making the list unreadable. Shane was about to go in my killfile because *he* was the one who kept reviving the thread, apparently largely for the purpose of making personal attacks on two other list members.