Tavia said, replying to Natasa:
Natasa wrote:
I think many writers imagine they're creating a 'TV episode', not writing a story.
Indeed several people have said this. I don't understand why it's quite so prevalent, as written fiction has so many advantages.
I'd say, fanfic writing means transcribing whatever plays in your head-- which depending on the individual story might be quite cinematic or quite literary.
A short story has its own advantages over a play, which ought to be used, but are often neglected. Stream-of-consciousness, the moments when a character is alone and does nothing much in the outer world, but very much happens
I think this is something that (on average) slash writers do better than gen writers, for some reason.
Lots of slash stories are PWPs, and if you don't have a plot, you've got to have SOMETHING...(Definition of "happens within" not being touched with barge pole.)